Webinar LIVE!


Wednesday, 15th September 2021
10:30 am – 12.30pm

On average, people today expect to spend 15-20 years in retirement. Without proper planning, many will either outlive their savings or have to reduce their expected quality of life. The way that people work and retire has fundamentally changed and it’s important to plan ahead for it.

Our lead speaker Mr. Richard Jacob, Retirement & Life Coach of RCJ Consulting Sdn Bhd, will explore the Expectations of Retirement in the Changing World, and the Core Pillars of Retirement and how to Plan for the Core Pillars.

Our guest speaker Mr. John Chong, Director of GreenAcres Retirement Village, will introduce the concept of retirement living in Malaysia.

Please register by filling in your details on the right. I hope you will join us to learn more about RETIREMENT IN THE CHANGING WORLD. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me and I’d be happy to help!


James Pany
GreenAcres Retirement Village


Date: Wednesday, 15th September 2021

Time: 10:30 am – 12.30pm

Event Category: Retirement In The Changing World

Event Registration